Rebuild indexes SQL Server 2000

Lets say you want to rebuild indexes for a particular table in SQL Server 2000. Then you can generate the script to rebuild the indexes using the below command in Query Analyzer. Where xxx is the name of the database who indexes you want to rebuildSELECT 'dbcc dbreindex(''xxx.DBO.' +name+ ''')' FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype='U' 

Sql server 2008 database mirroring manual failover

In case your mirroring has been suspended and you have tried everything else and nothing works. Your last option is to break the mirroring and restore the mirror database and connect the client application to the mirror site. Before proceeding with this please note that doing this will require you to rebuild the Data Mirroring … Continue reading Sql server 2008 database mirroring manual failover

The mirror database has insufficient transaction log data

After you have restored the mirror database and configured Data mirroring, when you start the mirroring it throws this error. The solution to resolving this is to restore the backup of the transaction log to the Mirror database. 1. Take backup of the TLOG at Principal site BACKUP LOG TO DISK = N'E:\transaction_log_bkp\Tlog_Bkp.trn' WITH NOFORMAT, … Continue reading The mirror database has insufficient transaction log data